German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG).
Robot-based manipulation of deformable linear objects (RODEO)

This research project investigates programming for robots manipulating flexible, one-dimensional workpieces such as cables, hoses, cords and further examines materials like lines, ropes, bars etc.. The main problems encountered are changes in workpiece geometry due to gravity and contact forces and the hardly influenceable inherent flexibility and tolerances of the workpiece itself. To solve this task, two approaches are being investigated and combined: First, a programming method is developed based on a library of sensor-based unit operations. The unit operations implement transitions in a complete contact state model and can therefore be reused for different application domains. Second, this programming method is supported by physical modelling of the workpiece, allowing the workpiece shape and movement to be calculated from the gripper movement or vice versa.
- Manipulation of rigid or deformable linear objects
- Execution of automatically generated assembly sequences
- Assembly and disassembly of a variety of workpieces
- Pictures for press usage
- High resolution pictures (ICRA2006: "Discontinuity Detection for Force-based Manipulation")
- Antoine, Schlechter;
Two sided assembly of a leaf spring with force-based contact detection
2007, August - Antoine, Schlechter;
Complete assembly of a leaf spring with force-based contact detection on the far end of the workpiece
2007, August - Antoine, Schlechter;
A precalculated near-optimal trajectory for force-based contact detection
2007, August - Antoine, Schlechter;
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Programming using Different Manipulation Skills
2003, March - Antoine, Schlechter;
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Manipulation Skill for Active Damping of Oscillations
2002, September - Shigang, Yue;
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Sensor-Based Fast Manipulation during Vibration
2002, May - Shigang, Yue;
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Sensor-Based Fast Manipulation during Vibration
2002, May
Publications (RODEO)
- Jürgen Acker; (2008)
Handhabung deformierbarer linearer Objekte basierend auf Kontaktzuständen und optischer Sensorik
veröffentlicht im Shaker-Verlag - Antoine Schlechter; (2007)
Einhändige kraftbasierte Handhabung deformierbarer linearer Objekte
veröffentlicht im Shaker-Verlag - Shigang Yue; Dominik Henrich; (2006)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Fuzzy-Based Active Vibration Damping Skill
(Journal of Intelligent Robot Systems 46/2006, pp. 201-219) - Antoine Schlechter; Dominik Henrich; (2006)
Discontinuity Detection for Force-based Manipulation
(IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 15 - 19, 2006) - Jürgen Acker; Dominik Henrich; Björn Kahl; (2006)
Environment Guided Handling of Deformable Linear Objects: From Task Demonstration to Task Execution
(37th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2006) / 4th German Conference on Robotics (Robotik 2006); München, Germany May 15th to 17th, 2006)
Montagedemo (4.1 MB) and Montagedemo Simulation (2.9 MB) - Jan Deiterding; Dominik Henrich; Antoine Schlechter; (2006)
Acoustic detection of contact state changes of deformable linear objects
(International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2006) / 4th German Conference on Robotics (Robotik 2006)) - Sergej Timm; Dominik Henrich; Björn Kahl; (2005)
Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects: Analysis of two-dimensional static approximation functions
(IEEE Int. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR-2005), 29. Aug - 1. Sep., Miedzyzdroje, Poland) - Björn Kahl; Dominik Henrich; (2005)
Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects: Force-based simulation approach for haptic feedback
(12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2005), July 18th-20th, 2005) - Jürgen Acker; Dominik Henrich; (2005)
Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects: From Geometric Model Towards Program Generation
(2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), Barcelona, April 18-22, 2005) - Shigang Yue; Dominik Henrich; (2005)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Sensor-Based Skills of Adjustment Motions for Vibration Reduction
(Journal of Robotic Systems 22(2), 67-85 (2005)) - Antoine Schlechter; Jürgen Acker; Dominik Henrich; (2004)
Handhabung deformierbarer linearer Objekte: Vergleich zwischen kraft- und bildbasierter Erkennung von Kontaktzustandsübergängen
(VDI Robotik 2004, München, Deutschland, June 17.-18., 2004) - Jürgen Acker; Dominik Henrich; (2003)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Characteristic Features for Vision-Based Detection of Contact State Transitions
(Proc. of the Int. Symp. On Assembly and Task Planning (ISATP) - Antoine Schlechter; Dominik Henrich; (2003)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Programming using Different Manipulation Skills
(SPIEs International Technical Group Newsletter, Robotics and Machine Perception, March 2003, Vol. 12, No. 1) - Antoine Schlechter; Dominik Henrich; (2002)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Manipulation Skill for Active Damping of Oscillations
(IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 30 - October 4, 2002) - Shigang Yue; Dominik Henrich; (2002)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Sensor-Based Fast Manipulation during Vibration
(IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'02) Washington D.C., USA, May 11-15, 2002) - Antoine Schlechter; Dominik Henrich; (2002)
Handhabung deformierbarer linearer Objekte: Programmierung mit verschiedenen Manipulation-Skills
(VDI-Bericht 1679 - Tagungshandbuch zur Robotik 2002, Ludwigsburg, 19. und 20. Juni 2002) - Thorsten W. Schmidt; Dominik Henrich; (2001)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Robot Motions in Single and Multiple Contact Points
(The 4th International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning (ISATP01); Fukuoka; Japan, 28-29 May 2001) - Shigang Yue; Dominik Henrich; (2001)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Model-Based Adjustment-Motion for Vibration Reduction
(The 10th International Conference on Advanced Robotics 2001, Aug. 22-25, Budapest, Hungary) - Shigang Yue; Dominik Henrich; (2001)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Force/torque Sensor-Based Adjustment-Motions For Vibration Elimination
(The 10th International Conference on Advanced Robotics 2001, Aug. 22-25, Budapest, Hungary) - Shigang Yue; Dominik Henrich; (2001)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Attachable Adjustment-Motions for Vibration Reduction
(Journal of Robotic Systems, vol 18, no 7, July 2001, pp. 375-389) - Antoine Schlechter; Dominik Henrich; (2001)
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Characteristics in Force Signals for Detecting Contact State Transitions
(10th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2001), Budapest, 22.-25. August 2001)
Publications (HANDFLEX)
- Axel Remde; Dominik Henrich; (2000)
Direct and Inverse Simulation of Deformable Linear Objects
(Robot manipulation of deformable objects, Henrich D., Wörn H. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, London, 2000, ISBN: 1-85233-250-6, pp 43-70) - Frank Abbegg; Dominik Henrich; Axel Remde; (2000)
Force- and Vision-based Detection of Contact State Transitions
(Robot manipulation of deformable objects, Henrich D., Wörn H. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, London, 2000, ISBN: 1-85233-250-6, pp 111-134) - Axel Remde; Frank Abbegg; Dominik Henrich; Heinz Wörn; (2000)
Ein allgemeiner Ansatz zur Montage deformierbarer linearer Werkstücke mit Industrierobotern
(Robotik 2000, June 29-30, 2000, Berlin, Germany) - Dominik Henrich; Heinz Wörn; (2000)
Robot Manipulation of Deformable Objects
(Advanced Manufacturing Series, Springer-Verlag, London, 2000, ISBN: 1-85233-250-6) - Axel Remde; Dominik Henrich; Karl Sander; Heinz Wörn; (1999)
Manipulating deformable linear objects: Efficient simulation of the workpiece behavior
(IASTED Int. Conf. on Robotics and Applications (IASTED RA'99), Santa Barbara, California, USA, Oct. 28-30, 1999) - Axel Remde; Dominik Henrich; Heinz Wörn; (1999)
Picking-up deformable linear objects with industrial robots
(International Symposium on Robotics (30th ISR), October 27-29, 1999, Tokyo, Japan) - Frank Abbegg; Dominik Henrich; Heinz Wörn; (1999)
Manipulating deformable linear objects - Vision-based recognition of contact state transitions -
(The 9th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR'99), Tokyo, October 25 - 27, 1999, pp. 135-140) - Axel Remde; Dominik Henrich; Heinz Wörn; (1999)
Manipulating deformable linear objects: Contact state transitions and transition conditions
(1999 IEEE/RSI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS99), Kyongju, Korea, October 17-21, 1999) - Dominik Henrich; Tsukasa Ogasawara; Heinz Wörn; (1999)
Manipulating deformable linear objects - Contact states and point contacts -
(1999 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning (ISATP'99), Porto, Portugal, July 21-24, 1999) - Axel Remde; Dominik Henrich; Heinz Wörn; (1998)
Flexible Steuerung pneumatischer Greifer durch Proportionalventile
(Feinwerktechnik, Mikrotechnik, Mikroelektronik (F&M), vol 12, Dezember 1998, pp 940-943) - Dominik Henrich; Frank Abbegg; Heinz Wörn; Christian Wurll; (1998)
A parallel control architecture for industrial robot cells
(4th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS)